Want to generate phenomenal connection easily?
triibe:: relate a weekend in learning the art of conversation
A three stage map of conversation - how to navigate a conversation with ease
Comfort in vulnerability - know how, what and when to share
The power of curiosity - never be lost for words again
Impact and intimacy - skillfully let others know how you really feel
What to expect:
Presentation of a simple set of distinctions to understand and recognise layers of depth that occur inside a conversation.
A set of practical tools to navigate gracefully between these layers, turning conversations into exciting, interesting and fulfilling explorations.
How to use these skills in any context - from dating to romantic partners to friendships to family dynamics to work environments to making sales
A lot of practice, done in pairs and small groups, so that you really get to see, experience and learn just how powerful having these skills is
Before learning a new framework to cultivate genuine intimacy, these things we experienced some of these things,
what about you?
Do you feel socially awkward - pretending to be more confident than you actually are, just so you can fit in?
Are you telling the same stories over and over again - thinking that this is what makes you interesting?
Are you complacent and resigned to superficial and monotonous conversations at work - even though you spend most of your life there, not believing that it could be any different?
Are you in pain with your family, struggling to be accepted for who you are… or having to always put on an act around them - resulting in feeling unseen and more distant than you wish to be?
Have you found your life purpose but the only people you know how to talk about what you do are with are your friends because you feel daunted talking to strangers - and your friends aren’t your customers?
Does your romantic relationship conversation mostly revolve around the kids, what’s on Netflix, talking about others or what to eat for the next meal? - Be honest… when was the last time you actually had an inspiring conversation with them like you once did?
Does it look like you have heaps of friends, but deeper than deep down you don’t really believe any of them truly care about you? - you have only really shown them the ‘together’ you
Is your social world actually quite small, outside of work? but that’s ok, you don’t need any more friends your too busy anyway
How did we come to accept these states as normal? Is this truly the life our innocent and joyful child selves wished for?
There are skills you can learn to change this.
The reality is that most of us just haven’t been taught how to relate to others. We spend years and years being educated… maths, essays, science, arts and crafts… and yet never was there a class about conversation, and just how important and necessary conversational skills are in having high quality, meaningful and fulfilling relationships.