Couples & Individual Counselling

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For the Couple

The quality of your relationships can have a strong influence on the quality of your life. In fact nothing nourishes a human more than their relationships. A great relationship helps your immune system to be strong, has you feeling alive and vital and opens your heart. A relationship in struggle can affect your day to day functioning which long term can lead to mental and physical illness.

Prem offers couples the skills to -

Gain clarity of their reality, feelings, thoughts, needs and desires.

Speak their truth and needs with self responsibility and courage, in a way that invites more intimacy and connection.

Move in the relationship with soft power, to be relational and powerful in the same breath.

Know their limits.

Listen to their partner’s reality with curiosity, an open heart and an open mind.

Improve self esteem, and live from a healthy place of being perfectly imperfect, accountable and kind (both inwardly and outwardly).

Self regulate, when their body is in a high state of arousal, to bring it back into a state of calm and openness.

Navigate conflict and difference and to do so in such a way that the couple can come back into intimate, loving connection, stronger as a unit for the conflict.

Move out of “the dance” that keeps the couple repeating the same losing strategies. Those same strategies that are draining love and trust from their relationship.

Discern when to take stands and fight for what they want and when to let it go.

Know how to “clean up” when clean up is necessary.

Access their sexual desire and have healthful, connected conversations about their sexual needs.

Cultivate trust, deepening friendship, eros and polarity.

Identify what the relationship needs and how to be in service to that, rather than their personal agendas.

Use their relationship as a catalyst for growth.


For the Individual

Prem works with her clients to help them to practice self compassion and gain the confidence to respond with creativity and clarity to their current life circumstances.

Within every person are the qualities of a healthy attachment figure, a Self who is compassionate, clear, courageous and calm. Prem Kalpa supports people to get to know their inner parts and unload the burdens that are blocking them from having access to this Self.

Prem works with individuals to -

Resolve looping critical inner voices that stem from less than nurturing experiences from their past.

Learn how to self soothe and bring compassion to challenging situations or painful feelings and thoughts.

Improve self esteem by coming into contact with their inner wisdom, inherent dignity and value.

Work with specific current issues in which they feel uncertainty, to gain the clarity they need to regain a sense of calm, confidence and creativity to take the next right step.

Clarify what is good for their well being and adjust their boundaries so they can have healthful, nourishing adult-relationships and a balanced lifestyle.

Know their limits, needs and values to understand when it is important to speak up, take stands and fight for what is important and when to let it go or walk away.

Navigate feelings of shame and guilt to put them in their right place.

Resolve habits of people pleasing, over achieving or compliance.

Discern whether to continue to “work on a relationship” and when to call it quits.

Safely leave relationships and end toxic codependent narcissistic bonding patterns.

Identify root causes and triggers for anxiety or avoidance and an exploration of new ways to relate to these parts to foster the development of a new or different orientation.

Learn to listen to the wisdom of their bodies and the one in them that “knows” so that they can live more aligned with their heart and their values, so that their lives are a congruent expression of who they know themselves to be on the inside.

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Prem Kalpa is a trained Counsellor who understands the importance and complexity that can arise throughout that ever unfolding journey with Self and other in life.  The journey can be challenging and vulnerable, so when it comes to doing therapeutic work it helps to have someone who has travelled this path and is committed to “getting in there” side-by-side with you, not an expert who stands separate, that knows more and advises.

Prem is known for her warmth, as well as her straight talking, no nonsense approach to couples work. Prem disarms people with her compassion, humor and heart. She is known in her individual work to be someone who champions for all parts of someone, seeing and cherishing their dignity, a grounded and compassionate guide.

Focus Modalities:

Internal Family Systems Therapy

Relational Life Therapy

Session Rates

Individual Session:

75 mins $160

90 mins $192

120 mins $256

Couples Session

Couples Session:

90 minutes $260

120 minutes $346