• Don’t know how to ask for what you want - or are one of those overly demanding people that irritates the hell out of everyone

  • Struggle with feedback or criticism - unable to differentiate between what they think about you, and what you know to be true about yourself

  • Settle for less intimacy than you actually want - and tell yourself over and over “if only they would change then it would finally get better”

  • Think smalltalk is so fucking boring - that you’d rather watch Netflix than go out and socialise

  • Find yourself fighting over the silliest things with your loved ones - only to find that it’s almost always just a simple misunderstanding, and yet you continue to repeat the cycle

  • Are so shy and awkward in social settings - that you might as well be holding a lamp in the corner

  • Can’t seem to “fit in” no matter how hard you try - with a little tickle in your mind that says that… “surely there is a more authentic way to express myself?”


FOUNDATIONS teaches the embodiment of healthy relating


Foundations is the Triibe deep dive into embodied relating, self care and self regulation and embodied boundaries.

Relating is a capacity that can be learnt and developed, however it is rarely ever taught to any functional degree.

The relationships you dream of start with solid foundations. At a practical level, the way you relate with someone will determine the quality of the relationship you have with them. Your mental and emotional well-being absolutely depends on your relationships, and the level that you feel connected in them.

Not only that but also your ability to be a powerful leader, create an engaging work space, make a meaningful impact in the world, all while living a kick-ass life, entirely rests upon this foundation of high-quality relating.



There is a roadmap of self-awareness that will allow you to show up embodied and grounded, with healthy boundaries, skilfull communication, clearly expressed needs and desires, and a strong sense of who you are.

Couple this with the ability to welcome the best out in the people around you… and you have a recipe for a whole new world of incredible friendships, passionate romance, fulfilling work-life and healthy family dynamics.

Words cannot adequately describe just how powerful, beautiful and liberating having these types of relationships are…. they need to be experienced

The current relational Foundations we’ve been taught just-aren’t-good-enough.

We need new ones.


Foundations is a training that leads to so much more than a weekend experience...



here's what they say...


“What an awesome group of people! Meeting the Triibe and it’s members has been an amazing experience so far. Amazing, because they bring their gifts and knowledge from their unique path so far traveled and they put it into creating a unified field: Triibe.

They have helped me become increasingly present to what’s authentically here for me. Helped learn to express it and observe my impact on others, and others’ impact on me. They’ve given me not just support but also a friendship during times of hardship and life transitioning. I’ve learned skills that I can use in the personal as well as in the professional arena. Triibe’s generosity with their time and support extended beyond what’s ‘normally’ expected from a course or workshop training.

Also, witnessing their hunger for deeper knowing, understanding and continuous learning is inspiring on my professional level too. As a psychologist I too engage in ongoing learning, and I too have a hunger for knowledge. To see this equaled and also surpassed in Triibe, is deeply exciting.”




Foundations :: Course outline

3 day deep dive immersion


Relationship to Self

In accordance with Carl Jung’s theory that an individual’s thoughts and behaviour are informed and guided by archetypes, we perceive the Self as dynamic, consisting of many parts. We propose that a healthy personality is one that is made up of many sub-personalities or parts that each have a role to do.

These parts contain creative, spirited approaches that can rise to the opportunities and problems appearing in life.

However most of us have, over time been dominated by a few strong parts that ‘run the show’ and typically when a person is asked then to describe their personality, they list these dominating parts as their qualities.

If this has occured in the psyche this can be experienced as:

  • anxiety or depression

  • high investment in needing to be liked or pleasing others: at the expense of your authenticity or health

  • repetitive patterns: that keep you stuck in the experience of inner or outer conflict

  • loneliness or aloneness: a sense that something is missing

  • addictions: to people, love, shopping, sex or substances

  • boundarylessness and a continuous cycle of intensity

  • rigidity or lack of spontaneity

In a healthy personality, there is a fluid shifting from one part to another depending on what approach is needed, what is appropriate, or what is necessary under the particular circumstances.

All parts are valuable to the entire system in the same way that all parts of an ecosystem are necessary for the smooth running of that system.

In this course we bring together integral parts of that ecosystem so that you can safely engage with all parts with an intent to learn, compassion and welcoming.

You are innately designed as a dynamic, creative and resourceful individual and in this course you will:

  • Learn practices that facilitate deep self-exploration, so that you can live your inner wisdom and continue to expand and explore in your life with more spontaneity and self-connection

  • Distinctions for ‘healthy’ boundaries, differentiation and containment - the foundations of emotional maturity and relational intimacy

  • Practice moving through inner conflict without leaving any parts of yourself behind or overriding your inner voice

  • Develop deeper love for yourself and for others

Relating Skills

A set of conversation skills, in both expressing and listening, to take your relationship with yourself and others deeper.

  • Curiosity - take any interaction into new and uncharted territory

  • Sharing Impact - how to create circuits of connection

  • Revealing Vulnerably - sharing yourself with discernment and clarity

  • Reflection - learn the immensely valuable skill of reflective listening

  • Desire - asking for what you want without attachment


Relationship to Self & Other


A movement practice to assist with your embodiment of emotional maturity and healthy separateness, so that you can relate from a place of interdependence rather than codependence (enmeshment or walls)

Presence - how to actually “be here and now” with parts of you that feel small, scared and in the less position, than the parts of you that feel defiant, rebellious or disconnected from others and the parts that feel the need to be good and perfect to be loved.

A practice to relate to these parts of yourself so that you can be more embodied as an adult in your relationships coming from a place of wholeness.

Exploration of Power Dynamics

At a time when taking a stand, speaking up, being true to our values, staying open and upright in dynamics of strong difference are more important capacities than ever before in history, based on current state of the world and humanity, we will explore our relationship to power and sharing power so that we can show up as powerful adults Who are able to influence rather than dominate and control. So that moving forwards we are more able to effectively make a difference in the world.

Group Practice

Everything you learn is practiced real-time in groups which allows you to learn and expand your range in a way that is safe and supportive.

Experiment - explore new ways of being with others

Real Time Feedback - experience the impact you have on others

Be Seen - receive high quality attention, bringing your ‘essence’ alive


It’s so important to us that these workshop’s are not just a weekend experience and instead that you are able to take everything you learn back into your world, increasing the quality of your life.

The content is robust and you will leave with a toolkit of skills that are the BOMB and a greater sense of what it means to be an embodied communicator with a practice community to join afterwards. Practicing what you learn we feel is important to the integration process and for true embodiment of the skills learned. Thursday’s we hold a low-cost workshop called “UpSkill Your Relating” so Foundations participants can keep practicing afterwards the tools learned and expand their existing community of connections.



3 Day Deep Dive immersion
Dates & Times


Saturday 10am-9pm

Sunday 10am-9pm

Friday or Monday 10am-7pm



3 Day Deep Dive immersion
Dates & Times


Saturday 10am-9pm

Sunday 10am-9pm

Friday or Monday 10am-7pm

We are experimenting running Foundations in The Gift Economy

...human beings naturally desire to give. We are born into gratitude: the knowledge we have received and the desire to give in turn. Far from nudging reluctant people to give unto others against their lazy impulses, today’s economy pressures us to deny our innate generosity and channel our gifts instead toward the perpetuation of a system that serves almost no one. A sacred economy is one that liberates our desire to work, our desire to give
— Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, And Society In The Age Of Transition

Watch the video below to hear about our experiment


To learn more about Gift Economy checkout Charles Eisenstein’s awesome course, Living in the Gift.

We suggest a donation of $200-$500. However it is totally up to you what you want to give, reflecting your financial condition as well as your feeling of value and gratitude. Zero is welcome as well. We offer the course as a gift, trusting the generosity of participants to support us. If at the end of the course you would like to modify your payment by paying more, or asking for some of your money back, we also welcome that.